Fike TwinFlexPro2 Repeater Panel (505-0010)
The TWINFLEXpro2 repeater panel is smaller than the TWINFLEXpro2 control panel. It does not connect to or control detection devices. Instead, it connects to a control panel and reports events which occur on the control panel. It can also perform system controls over the network (i.e. Silence Alarms, Reset, Sound Alarms & Silence Buzzer).
A maximum of 8 repeater panels can be connected to a single control panel. The maximum cable length from the control panel to a repeater is 500 metres. If 8 repeaters are used they must all be within the maximum 500 metres cable length. All external connections are made on the back board. The Ext Switches on the back board are not currently used and are for a future development.
- Compatible with all Twinflex Pro2 control panels
- Reports Twinflex Pro panel events to a remote location
- Capable of performing system controls (i.e. Silence Alarms, Reset, Sound Alarms & Silence Buzzer)
- Maximum of 8 repeater panels can be connected to a single control panel